
Smart Contract in Blockchain

A Smart Contract (or cryptocontract) is a computer program that directly and automatically controls the transfer of digital assets between the parties under certain conditions. A smart contract works in the same way as a traditional contract while also automatically enforcing the contract. Smart contracts are programs that execute exactly as they are set up(coded, programmed) by their creators. Just like a traditional contract is enforceable by law, smart contracts are enforceable by code.


In 1994, Nick Szabo, a legal scholar, and a cryptographer recognized the application of a decentralized ledger for smart contracts. He theorized that these contracts could be written in code which can be stored and replicated on the system and supervised by the network of computers that constitute the blockchain. These smart contracts could also help in transferring digital assets between the parties under certain conditions.

Features of Smart Contracts

The following are some essential characteristics of a smart contract:

Capabilities of Smart Contracts

How Do Smart Contracts Work?

A smart contract is just a digital contract with the security coding of the blockchain.

The idea behind smart contracts is pretty simple. They are executed on a basis of simple logic, IF-THEN for example:

Note: The WHEN constraint can be added to include the time factor in the smart contracts. It can be seen that these smart contracts help set conditions that have to be fulfilled for the terms of the contract agreement to be executed. There is no limit on how much IF or THEN you can include in your intelligent contract.

Smart Contract Working:

Applications of Smart Contracts

Example Use cases:

Advantages of Smart Contracts

Challenges of Smart Contracts